◉Truemoney offers:
1 Loan amount from ₦10,000 to ₦800,000.
2 Repayment from 91days to 365days.
3 Easy to get safe loan.
-Interest rate: Annual Percentage Rate(APR) from 12% to 30%
If the loan amount is NGN5,000, the loan term is 180days, and the interest rate is 12%, the total interest should be NGN5,000*12%= NGN600. The total repayment amount would be NGN5,000+ NGN5,000*12%= NGN5,600.
◉How to apply for loan:
1 Download Truemoney app.
2 Register an account with phone number.
3 Fill out basic information and submit loan application.
4 Receive your loan straight into your bank account.
1.Nigeria resident.
2.18-60 years old.
• We are available 24/7 to assist you with your request
• Service Email: [email protected]
• Our Office Address: Oshodi pedestrian Overpass, Ilupeju 5255, Ikeja, Nigeria